Thursday, July 07, 2005


I worked the night shift at work tonight. When I left at around 8:30, I walked over to the coffee bean (about an hour walk). I took pictures of my walk and I was going to post them, but I left my USB cord at work, oh well.

When I work the night shift, I spend much of the time monitoring the Talkback section. This is a feature of the online paper where people (ANYONE, no registration required), can respond to articles. Its basically the same 5 idiots posting over and over. They never have anything insightful to say; its a lot of misinformation and personal attacks on the other posters.

One of these regular posters, a frenchie named Claude, gets into verbal spats with another regular, Yitzach from NY. Claude always accuses Yitchak of acting morally superior than everyone else. He has a nickname for Yitzach - "Monsieur le high priest." Lately these person attacks have spiralled out of control, so we have been a little more strict in the monitoring. This evening, I started censoring out the "M. le high priest" nickname. Claude apparantly didn't like this, so he sent message with like 15 "M. le high priest" references in it, to make it more annoying for me to censor.

HIs final comment on this message was "Monsieur le HIgh Priest, why don't you retreat back into your ivory tower in New York and have a great summer!" So, just for laughs, I edited this message to read "Monsieur, have a great summer!"

Claude didn't like this either; look what he submitted in return:

Why you protect so much the " High Priest"?? Why youalways change my text? The last one finihs like:" Enjoy the Summer!"I do not want this bastard to enjoy the Summer. This bastard is sohipocritical and so biased... I want him to burn his asshole and todrop dead...."

Needless to say, I did not let this one go through.