Wednesday, June 29, 2005

working the night shift

I worked the night shift last night, which is a lot slower than working during the day. When I had downtime, I looked through what was coming through on the wires. I learned that in Rio de Janeiro, they no longer enforce the speeding limit and other traffic laws after dark because so many people get carjacked, the enforcement would rather ppl just speed through the lights.

I wish I had something interesting to say, but I don't. In a couple hours Nicole and I are going to go windsurfing, which I have never done before. I'll take pictures! First I am going to take a nap because I feel like I am getting sick.

Oh yeah. There is a section of the online newspaper called "the underground," which is targeted at a younger crowd. In westword there is a regular column (is it a column??) called "drunk of the week," ( and I suggested to the editor that we do something like that, and she said yes. So now Nicole and I will be visiting a different bar every few days a writing a review. It will be more than just a review though, I was envisioning like a story centered around our experience at the bar, or some type of theme... Any ideas? We start tonight.

That's it, I'll try to update later!