Saturday, June 25, 2005

two posts a day...

I wanted to work on my papers today, but I didn't, I just procrastinated as usual. In my procrastination, here is what I learned:
A 95 year old Japanese man broke the 100m for his age group. He ran it in 22.04 seconds. (link via I didn't know if that is fast of not, so I pulled up some other 100m records for comparison. ITHe world record is 9.77 seconds, held by a Jamaican. THe Caddo Mills High School record for girls was 11.89 seconds, made in 1998 by Daniell Morgan. I googled 100m high school records and cado mills came up, that's why I'm using that school. THere is still a pretty big difference between 11.89 seconds and 22.04 seconds, so I am pretty confident that I could beat the 95 yr old japanese guy.

speaking of oldies, julie pointed this story out to me the other day:
As you can see by the link name, women sit 20 days in car to win it. what the headline doesnt say is how old they are. One is 57 and one is 74! My first thought was, wow, a 74 yr old doing an endurance contest! but then i thought a little more about it, and according to the article, the women pass the time reading crossword puzzles and books. that's probably what they do to pass the time, anyway. so it makes since that they would last longer than a 24 yr old boy, for example. It's nice, too, that the two ladies are relatively close in age, considering how much time they have to spend together. I wonder if they have gotten in any fights yet.

besides reading about the acheivements of old people, i also procrastinated by walking to Jaffa.

I just went into my bedroom for a second, and there was a COCKROACH on the floor. I didn't want to step on it (he was huge and I was wearing flipflops), so I poured some israeli windex on him and after floundering around for 30 secs or so he finally died. I put the crappy batteries in the camera and took a picture. The photo doesn't do justice to his size, because when he died, he shrunk.

OK, I was going to go to bed now, but suddenly I am wide awake.