Saturday, July 30, 2005


I am in the coffee shop right now, checking email. I will update soon with pics, but until then, here is a brief recap of the past few days:

Lauren arrives Sunday night.
Lauren's baggage arrives Tuesday night.
Tues in Jerusalem, Wednesday and Thursdayin Sinai (Dahab) with our new friend, Friday in Eilat, Saturday (today) climbing Masada (at 4 30 am) and hanging out at the Dead Sea. NOw back in Tel Aviv.

More to come, including:

- My Egyptian experience with (prescription) drugs.
- A really bad sunburn on my stomach.
- A bomb scare (with a blown up suitcase)
- A forgotten passport.
- An Egyptian cab driver who likes to fill his old bus with gas while its running.
- An Egyptian pharmacist who measures drugs with his pinky nail.
- A disgraceful banishment from the Dahab Hilton.

and much more...